The Mayflowers Beauty team consists of Astrid, Hayley, Jeanette, Joanna, Katie, Kim, Kirsty, Linden, Michelle and Rachel. We all have a wealth of experience and are passionate about beauty and look forward to seeing you soon.
Celia has recently left us to start her own salon in Sussex, Erica has returned to the Netherlands and Haley is taking a few months off to travel the world. Kate, who has been away travelling for eighteen months, is now back with us as is Katie who returned earlier this year.
When Joanna, "the boss," left school, she wanted to be a beauty therapist, but her father would not hear of it “You might as well be a hairdresser” he famously claimed. She was bunged into secretarial college but rebelled and joined the Royal Navy as a Wren, just to do something different!
Whilst in the Wrens she decided that she really did want to be a beauty therapist and did her training at night school and luckily for her through the Navy’s day release scheme.
As mentioned before, we are all extreemly passionate about beauty therapy, highly qualified, experienced and are very excited about being able to offer you the best professional treatments, and look forward to giving you a complimentary head neck and shoulder massage with your first treatment at Mayflowers.
Please call: 01494 675612 and ask for a free consultation.
We are open Monday and Friday 9am to 5:30pm, Tuesday to Thursday 9am to 8pm and Saturday 9am to 5pm.